@Article{taiwania1989342187, AUTHOR = {Ch. Anjaneyulu, K. Lakshminaryana}, TITLE = {Microsporogenesis and the Development of Male Gametophyte in Two Species of Diospyros L.}, JOURNAL = {Taiwania}, VOLUME = {34}, YEAR = {1989}, ISSUE = {2}, PAGES = {187-191}, URL = {https://taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/abstract/59}, ABSTRACT = {Development of the microsporangium, and the male gametophyte were studied in Diospyros chloroxylon Roxb. And D. virgiana L. The anther wall development is of the Kicotyledonous type and at maturity it consists of the epidermis, fibrous endothecium, 2-3 wall layers and a secretory tapetum which is niseriate with uni- or binucleate cells. Connective tapetum is also differentiated. Pollen mother cells civide simultaneously and produce tetrahedral tetrads. Cytokinesis is by furrowing. Pollen grains are smooth, tricolporate and two celled at the time of liveration. Rarely 3-nucleate pollen grains are seen. Pollen degenerations are common in D. virginiana.}, DOI = {10.6165/tai.1989.34.187} }