@Article{taiwania1995403193, AUTHOR = {Hai-Nin Yang and Young-Meng Chiang}, TITLE = {A New Variety of Sargassum (Phaeophyta) in Taiwan}, JOURNAL = {Taiwania}, VOLUME = {40}, YEAR = {1995}, ISSUE = {3}, PAGES = {193-197}, URL = {https://taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/abstract/884}, ABSTRACT = {A new variety of Sargassum, S. polycystum C. Ag. var. linearifolium Yang & Chiang var. nov. is reported in Taiwan. It differs from S. polycystum C. Ag. by having linear leaves and long male receptacles. It was found only at Chiu-peng, Pingtung county, Taiwan in the tidal pools of mid-intertidal zone, the same niche as that of S. polycystum C. Ag..}, DOI = {10.6165/tai.1995.40.193} }