@Article{taiwania1995404381, AUTHOR = {Chang-Fu Hsieh, Tsung-Hsin Hsieh and I-Ling Lai}, TITLE = {Epirixanthes elongata Bl.-- a New Record to the Flora of Taiwan}, JOURNAL = {Taiwania}, VOLUME = {40}, YEAR = {1995}, ISSUE = {4}, PAGES = {381-384}, URL = {https://taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/abstract/895}, ABSTRACT = {Epirixanthes elongata Bl. (Polygalaceae) is a small parasitic herb distributed in S. China, Vietnam, Burma, and Indonesia. It is reported for the first time from Nanjenshan Nature Reserve, southern Taiwan. Taxonomic description, habitat information, an illustration and pollen morphology are provided here.}, DOI = {10.6165/tai.1995.40.381} }