@Article{taiwania2014594360, AUTHOR = {Tsan-Piao Lin}, TITLE = {Newly Discovered Native Orchids of Taiwan (VII)}, JOURNAL = {Taiwania}, VOLUME = {59}, YEAR = {2014}, ISSUE = {4}, PAGES = {360-367}, URL = {https://taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/abstract/1384}, ABSTRACT = { In this report three new orchids to Taiwan, i.e., Cephalantheropsis longipes, Habenaria tsaiana and Nervilia linearilabia are presented. Cephalantheropsis dolichopoda (Fukuy.) Lin is a new combination from Calanthe dolichopoda Fukuy. Liparis sp. is an unknown species also included for reference. }, DOI = {10.6165/tai.2014.59.4.360} }