@Article{taiwania2024693412, AUTHOR = {Manas Bhaumik, Gopal Krishna}, TITLE = {Contribution to the Flora of Dihang Dibang Biosphere Reserve, India-I}, JOURNAL = {Taiwania}, VOLUME = {69}, YEAR = {2024}, ISSUE = {3}, PAGES = {412-419}, URL = {https://taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/abstract/2018}, ABSTRACT = {This paper deals with two new species viz. Anemonastrum teetapurense Bhaumik & G. Krishna.; Callianthemum pathakii G. Krishna & Bhaumik and one new combination Anemonastrum obtusilobum (D. Don) Mosyakin, subsp. leiophylla (W.T. Wang) Bhaumik & G. Krishna. Beesia deltophylla C.Y. Wu reported first time from India. All taxa belong to the family Ranunculaceae.}, DOI = {10.6165/tai.2024.69.412} }