%0 Journal Article %A Yuen-Po Yang %A John D. Dwyer %T Taxonomy of Subgenus Bladhia of Ardisia (Myrsinaceae) %D 1989 %J Taiwania %V 34 %N 2 %P 192-298 %U https://taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/abstract/60 %X Twenty-four species of subgenus Bladhia(Thunb.) Mez and two species of subgenus Chinensia (Nakai) Yang of Ardisia (Myrsinaceae) are recognized in this treatment. Subgenus Bladhia is redefined as the shrubby or subshrubby plants having axillary inflorescences from hypsophlls only or from both leaves and hypsophlls, 4-15 ovules in 1-3 series (mostly 4-6 ovules in one series ) on the free central placenta, serrate or serrulate or fimbrate-serrulate leaves subverticillately arranged, hypsophlls on stems, and uniseriate and /or round-capitate and /or elongate-bicellular-capitate hairs on young stems, leaves, and inflorescences. On account of the position of inflorescences, this subgenus is possibly related to subgenus Tinus of Ardisia. However, the question concerning its allied subgenus is still open. Subgenus Chinensia consisting of 2 species is delimited by having axillary inflorescences only from the leaves, 5-8 ovules in 1-2 series, leaves alternately arranged, coarsely dentate or undulate or entire, no hypwophylls, scales irregularly peltate on young stems, etc. subgenus Akosmos is closely related to subgenus Chinensia as is evidenced by the similarity in inflorescences, calyx-lobes, series of ovules, leaf venation, and trichomes. Geographically, subgenus Bladhia extends from Assam, northeast of India, to the Malay Peninsula, Java, Borneo, Indochina, the Philippines, Indochina, and mostly distributed in South and East Mainland China, Taiwan, and the Ryukyus. This study gives a taxonomic history of the subgenus concerned and a systematic treatment of vegetative and reproductive structures as well aw foliar venation. %M doi:10.6165/tai.1989.34.192