%0 Journal Article %A Sheng-Kun Yu %A Chiu-Mei Wang %A Kuo-Hsiung Wang %A Tsan-Piao Lin %T Bulbophyllum cryptomeriicola, a new orchid species of Taiwan %D 2022 %J Taiwania %V 67 %N 3 %P 361-365 %U https://taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/abstract/1850 %X This report presents one new orchid of Taiwan, viz., Bulbophyllum cryptomeriicola T.P. Lin and S.K. Yu. Bulbophyllum cryptomeriicola is a member of the section Ephippium with a sub-umbellate inflorescence, ciliate upper sepal and petals, glabrous lateral sepals which are much longer than the median one, and a stelidium without a tooth. %M doi:10.6165/tai.2022.67.361