%0 Journal Article %A Yan-Lin Pan %A Lun-Fa Guo %A Xin-Gui Wang %A Chun-Rui Lin %T Aspidistra daqingshanensis (Asparagaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China %D 2023 %J Taiwania %V 68 %N 3 %P 372-376 %U https://taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/abstract/1950 %X Aspidistra daqingshanensis (Asparagaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from Longzhou County, Guangxi, China. It is morphologically similar to Aspidistra fasciaria G.Z. Li but differs in its leaf blade wider to 4–8 cm, distal margin denticulate, perianth lobes broadly ovate, yellow, stigma white, slightly recurved at apex. A somatic chromosome count of 2n = 38 and a karyotype formula 2n =22m + 10sm + 6st were determined for A. daqingshanensis. The new species is currently only known from the type locality in southwest Guangxi, near the border with northern Vietnam. %M doi:10.6165/tai.2023.68.372