%0 Journal Article %A Wei-Jie Huang %A Tian-Chuan Hsu %A Shih-Wen Chung %T Artemisia tyuosenicola (Asteraceae), a new species from Taiwan %D 2024 %J Taiwania %V 69 %N 3 %P 372-379 %U https://taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/abstract/2013 %X A new species, Artemisia tyuosenicola (Asteraceae: Anthemideae), is described from Taiwan. It is found exclusively on the scree slopes of Mt. Zhongyangjian in the Central Range of Taiwan. This species is distinctive in having shallowly trilobed, trident-like leaves with densely white arachnoid-tomentose abaxial surfaces. Its leaf morphology resembles A. tridentata, A. integrifolia and A. stolonifera to some extent, but can be readily distinguished by its smaller leaf size, pattern of leaf lobes and relatively uniform leaf shape. Both capitulum morphology and molecular phylogenetic analysis indicate that A. tyuosenicola belongs to A. subg. Artemisia. A detailed description and a distribution map of A. tyuosenicola are also provided herein. %M doi:10.6165/tai.2024.69.372