%0 Journal Article %A Chun-Yu Zou %A Yu-Song Huang %A Gui-Liang Zhang %A Zhi-Xiang Zhang %T Diospyros daweishanensis (Ebenaceae), a new species from Southwest China %D 2024 %J Taiwania %V 69 %N 4 %P 467-472 %U https://taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/abstract/2024 %X A new species of Ebenaceae, Diospyros daweishanensis Z. X. Zhang, Gui L. Zhang & C. Y. Zou, from Southwest China, is described and illustrated. Colour figures, distribution map and photographs of type specimens are provided. The similarities and differences between this species and others are discussed. Morphologically, its lanceolate leathery leaf with unobtrusive venation, 5(-6)-lobed calyx and the reflexed fruiting calyx are clearly distinct from those of other species. Molecular phylogeny also supports its classification as a distinct species. %M doi:10.6165/tai.2024.69.467