%0 Journal Article %A Khant Zaw Hein %A David Prehsler %A Surapon Saensouk %A Shook Ling Low %T Hayarum mirispathum (Araceae —Aroideae): A new genus and species from Thailand %D 2025 %J Taiwania %V 70 %N 1 %P 65-74 %U https://taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/abstract/2048 %X The new monotypic genus Hayarum K.Z.Hein, Prehsler, Saensouk & S.L.Low from Thailand, with the sole species Hayarum mirispathum K.Z.Hein, Prehsler, Saensouk & S.L.Low, is described based on comprehensive morphological and phylogenetic evidence. A detailed taxonomic account of the new genus, morphological comparisons with related genera, and brief observations on its flowering biology and spathe movement are provided. %M doi:10.6165/tai.2025.70.65