Research Paper
Tree species diversity, distribution and soil nutrient status along altitudinal gradients in Saptasajya hill range, Eastern Ghats, India
Sudam Charan Sahu, Amit Kumar Pani, Manas Ranjan Mohanta, Jagdish Kumar
Published on: 08 January 2019
Page: 28 - 38
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2019.64.28
This study analysed the diversity of tree species, their distribution and soil nutrient status along altitudinal gradients of Saptasajya hill range, Eastern Ghats, India. Thirty quadrats of 10m×10m size for trees across the altitude ranges between 81m and 450m were laid. Field sampling were conducted at 3 different elevation sites of the hill range: Site 1- Low Elevation Forest (LEF), Site 2- Middle Elevation Forest (MEF) and Site 3- High Elevation Forest (HEF). A total of 368 individuals which belongs to 48 species among 42 genera and 27 families were recorded in 0.3 ha sampling areas. Maximum numbers of tree species occurred at LEF (35) followed by MEF (34) and HEF (14). The density of tree species varied from 433 ha-1 to 390 ha-1 with average basal area of 30.64 m2/ha. The Shannon diversity index (H′) varied among the three sites was 2.19 (LEF), 1.84 (MEF) and 1.29 (HEF). The soil parameters of three forest sites were analysed and correlated with tree species richness, diversity and density. Species richness and tree diversity index were positively correlated with pH (r=0.743 and r=0.829 respectively; p<0.05), whereas tree density was negatively correlated with pH (r= -0.597), phosphorous (r= -0.401), organic carbon (r= -0.543) and tree diversity index (r= -0.364). It could be helpful to understand the pattern of vegetation and its relation to soil nutrients in Eastern Ghats of India implicating conservation plan for tree species in tropical moist deciduous forests.
Keyword: Altitudinal gradients; Eastern Ghats; Diversity indices; India; Soil nutrient status; Tropical moist deciduous forest
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