Research Paper
Rubus amphidasys Focke (Rosaceae): A Newly Recorded Plant in Taiwan
Tsai-Wen Hsu, Tzen-Yuh Chiang, Ching-I Peng
Published on: March 2007
Page: 113 - 116
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2007.52(1).113
Rubus, comprising about 700 species in the world, is a large genus of the family Rosaceae. Thirty-five species and four additional varieties were recorded in the 2nd edition of Flora of Taiwan. In the course of our botanical inventory, Rubus amphidasys Focke, heretofore unknown in Taiwan, was collected from northern part of the island. Rubus amphidasys is easily distinguished from other congenors by having a mixture of densely bristly hairs and glandular hairs on branches and calyx. In addition, small prickles are rarely found on its stems. In this report we provide a description, line drawings, and colored photographs taken from the wild to aid in identification.
懸鉤子屬為薔薇科植物,臺灣植物誌第二版紀錄有35 種4 變種,最近我們在北部植 物調查時發現另一新紀錄植物-周毛懸鉤子;該植物以其枝條密生毛與長腺毛,枝條幾近於無刺等特徵而明顯不同於臺灣所產的該屬植物。本文章提供該種的形態描述、繪圖與彩色圖片。
Keyword: New record, Rosaceae, Rubus, Rubus amphidasys, Taiwan, Taxonomy, 新紀錄, 薔薇科, 懸鉤子屬, 周毛懸鉤子, 臺灣, 分類