Research Paper
Notes on the Flora of Taiwan (22) -- The Genus Ajuga L. (Lamiaceae)
Tsung-Hsin Hsieh and Tseng-Chieng Huang
Published on: June 1995
Page: 157 - 172
DOI: 10.6165/tai.1995.40.157
Four native species of Ajuga L. (Lamiaceae), i. e., A. dictyocarpa Hayata, A. ni-pponensis Makino, A. pygmaea A. Gray, and A. taiwanensis Nakai ex Murata and one naturalized species, A. decumbens Thunb. Are recorded in Taiwan. SEM micrographs of pollen grains, chro-mosome counts, a key to species, species descriptions, and distribution maps are provided. The chromosome number of all species is 2n=32 except A. dictyocarpa Hayata of which is 2n=64.
本文訂正臺灣產筋骨草屬植物為4種,分別為網果筋骨草 (Ajuga dictyocarpa Hayata),日本筋骨草 (A. nipponensis Makino),矮筋骨草 (A. pygmaea A. Gray) 和臺灣筋骨草 (A. taiwanensis Nakai ex Mmurata) 及一新歸化種匐伏筋骨草 (A. decumbens Thunb.)。文中比較各種的外部形態、花粉特徵、染色體數目和地理分佈等特徵。並提供檢索表做為鑑定之用。在染色體數目方面,除網果筋骨草為 2n= 64外,其餘種類皆為2n= 32。
Keyword: Revision, Ajuga, Lamiaceae, pollen grains, chromosome number. 筋骨草屬,唇形科,分類訂正,花粉形態,染色體數目。