Research Paper
A Revision of Uraria (Leguminosae) in Taiwan
Hiroyoshi Ohashi and Yu Iokawa
Published on: June 2007
Page: 177 - 183
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2007.52(2).177
Four species of Uraria recorded in the Flora of Taiwan second edition (Huang and Ohashi, 1993) are revised in an identity, author citations, original reference, morphological characters or distributions. The following names are considered to be corrected for the Uraria of Taiwan; Uraria crinita (L.) Desv. Ex DC., U. lagopodioides (L.) Desv., U. neglecta Prain and U. picta (Jacq.) Desv. Ex DC.
本文分別訂正臺灣植物誌第二版中四種兔尾草屬植物之學名、作者引證、原始文獻出處、形態特徵或地理分佈。臺灣兔尾草屬植物之正確名稱應該是:Uraria crinita (L.) Desv. Ex DC. (兔尾草)、U. lagopodioides (L.) Desv. (大葉兔尾草)、U. neglecta Prain (圓葉兔尾草) 以及 U. picta (Jacq.) Desv. Ex DC. (羽葉兔尾草)。
Keyword: Uraria, Leguminosae, Taiwan, 兔尾草屬, 豆科, 臺灣