Research Paper

Catalogue of the Naturalized Flora of Taiwan

Shan-Huah Wu, Chang-Fu Hsieh and Marcel Rejmánek

Published on: March 2004

Page: 16 - 31

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2004.49(1).16


This study was conducted in years 2000 to 2003 to compile a comprehensive list of naturalized species with background information, including origins, life forms, habits, usages, year of the first collection, and status. Major herbaria (TAI, HAST, TAIF, and NCKU) were visited to examine specimen records. Relevant publications and reliable websites and many other resources were also examined extensively for background information. Total 341 species in 222 genera and 60 families were documented as naturalized in Taiwan, representing 7.9% of the local flora. Besides, 25 species were considered as possibly naturalized due to insufficient evidences. A large portion (90.6%) of species reported here, were reported as “weeds” in other countries. Almost a half of the naturalized species (48.3%) were introduced from Americas.


入侵植物所衍生的問題,近幾十年來已成為全世界廣泛關切與探討的課題,然而台 灣地區的狀況近日始為各界所關注。有鑑於歸化(naturalization)是植物入侵(plant invasion)初始過程中不可或缺的環節,本研究在基本資料非常缺乏的情況下,於2000至2003 年間,蒐集所有台灣地區歸化植物的相關文獻,並參訪各主要之標本館(TAI,HAST, TAIF 以及NCKU),取得野外之採集紀錄,加以彙整成名錄,並附註各種之原生地(origin)、生活型(life form)、習性(habit)、用途(usage)、第一次採集年份(year)、以及目前之野外狀況(status)等資料,以供日後相關研究參考之用。彙整結果台灣地區之歸化植物共有60 科、222 屬、341 種,約等於台灣維管束植物種數的7.9%。另有25 種因資料不全,暫時列為可能之歸化物種。在台灣的歸化物種中,約有90.9%的歸化植物在國外通常被視為雜草(weeds),幾乎有一半(48.3%)是來自美洲地區。

Keyword: Naturalized plant, Plant invasions, List,Taiwan

Literature Cited