Research Paper

A revision of the Herbaceous Phyllanthus L. (Euphorbiaceae) in Taiwan

Shih-Huei Chen and Ming-Jou Wu

Published on: September 1997

Page: 239 - 261

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1997.42.239


Some herbaceous species of Phyllanthus L. which were confused and difficult to distinguish in taiwan are revised into eight taxa, viz. P. amarus Schum & Thonn., P. embergeri Haic. & Rossign., P. hookeri Muell.-Arg., P. urinaria L. subsp. Nudicarpus Rossign. & Haic., P. ussuriensis Rupr. &Maxim., P.virgatus Forst. f., P. debilis Klein ex Willd. And P.tenellus Roxb. The last two species were newly naturalized to Taiwan. And P. urinaria subsp. Nudicarpus is new to taiwan. With the comparison of the SEM photographs of pollen and seed surface ornamentation, their identification appeared satisfactory.


草本之油柑屬(Phyllanthus L.)植物外型酷似不易區分,本文訂正台灣產草本之油柑屬植物為:小返魂(P. amarus Schum & Thonn)、擬葉下珠(P. embergeri Haic. & Rossign.,新擬中名)、疣果葉下珠(P. hookeri Muell.-Arg.,新擬中名)、光果葉下珠(P. urinaria L. subsp. Nudicarpus Rossign. & Haic.,新擬中名)、蜜甘草(P. ussuriensis Rupr. &Maxim.)、細葉油柑(P.virgatus Forst. f.)、銳葉小返魂(P. debilis Klein ex Willd.,新擬中名)與五蕊油柑(P.tenellus Roxb.,新擬中名)等八種。後兩者為台灣新歸化之植物。光果葉下珠為台灣新紀錄之植物。經由花粉及種子表面紋飾之電子顯微鏡掃描照片之比較,有利於本屬植物之鑑定。

Keyword: Phyllanthus, Euphorbiaceae, Revision, Taxonomy, Pollen Morphology, Seed Morphology, taiwan