Research Paper

Additional remarks of Ranunculaceae in Taiwan. (3) Clematis section Viorna (Reichb.) Prantl

Aleck T.Y. Yang, Tseng-Chieng Huang

Published on: March 1992

Page: 19 - 53

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1992.37.19


This is a taxonomic study of Clematis L. (Ranunculaceae), Section Viorna (Reichb.) Prantl in Taiwan. There are six taxa treated as five species and one variety where two are new to Taiwan; one new combination, i.e. C. henryi Oliv. Var. morii (Hay.) T. Y. Yang & T. C. Huang and one new taxonomic state, i.e. C. lasiandra Maxim. The surface of leaflets and pollen grains of this section are observed. The taxonomic description, and distribution maps for each taxon and a key are also given.


本文為台灣毛茛科尾葉鐵線蓮組 (Clematis Sect. Viorna) 植物之修正研究。共處理六個分類群,其中變更兩個學名:森氏鐵線蓮(C. henryi Oliv. Var. morii (Hay.) T. Y. Yang & T. C. Huang) 為新的分類組合,毛蕊鐵線蓮 (C. lasiandra Maxim.)為分類階級更動。本文中比較本組植物之葉表特徵及花粉型態,並對每一分類群加以描述、繪圖,及附其在台灣和亞洲的分佈圖。