Research Paper

Newly Discovered Native Orchids of Taiwan (V)

Tsan-Piao Lin and Shu-Hui Wu

Published on: 12 December 2012

Page: 377 - 383

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2012.57.377


In this report, three new native orchids (Bulbophyllum tenuislinguae, Epipogum kentingensis, and Neottia hohuanshanensis) are reported. Another species previously reported under the name Lecanorchis nigricans was renamed Lecanorchis bihuensis. Bulbophyllum hymenanthum indeed occurs in Taiwan, but a detailed description requires further research.


本文介紹三種臺灣新發現的野生蘭(金枝雙花豆蘭、墾丁上鬚蘭、合歡山雙葉蘭)。 圓唇雙花豆蘭亦原生於台灣但細部持徵有待研究。另外一種之前曾報導過的全唇皿柱蘭, 給予新的學名。

Keyword: Taiwan, native orchids, Bulbophyllum tenuislinguae, Bulbophyllum hymenanthum, Epipogum kentingensis, Neottia hohuanshanensis, Lecanorchis bihuensis.

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