
Two Newly Discovered Plants in Taiwan

Tian-Chuan Hsu, Jia-Jung Lin, Shih-Wen Chung

Published on: 30 November 2009

Page: 403 - 407

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2009.54(4).403


Two herbs are newly discovered in Taiwan. Limnophila fragrans (G. Forst.) Seem. (Scrophulariaceae), native in SE Asia, is recognized from southern lowlands. Anagallis minima (L.) E. H. L. Krause (Primulaceae), native in N America and Europe, was found from northern mountainous region at low altitudes. In this study, descriptions, line drawings, color photos and a distribution map of the two species are provided.


本文報導兩種臺灣新發現草本植物。無柄田香草(Limnophila fragrans (G. Forst.) Seem.,玄參科)發現於南部低地,而小海綠(Anagallis minima (L.) E.H.L. Krause,報春花科)則發現於北部低海拔山區。本文提供兩種新紀錄植物之描述,線繪圖,照片及分布圖。

Keyword: Anagallis minima, Limnophila fragrans, Primulaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Taiwan. 小海綠、無柄田香草、報春花科、玄參科、臺灣。