Research Paper
Notes on the Flora of Taiwan (3)--- The miscellaneous plants
Tseng-Chieng Huang, Shing-Fan Huang, Kuoh-Cheng Yang
Published on: March 1989
Page: 45 - 53
DOI: 10.6165/tai.1989.34.45
Five interesting plants are described. Desmanthus virgatus (L.) Willdenow represents a new generic record to the Flora of Taiwan, and Epithema brunonis Decne. Var. fasciculate C.B. Clarke and Theligonum formosanum (Ohwi) Ohwi & Liu are the first time collected by Chinese botanists. Rotala wallichii (Hook. F. ) Kohne was recorded in 1979 year without description by Chinese botanist. A new name, Paris fargesii Franch. Var. brevipetalata (Huang & Yang) Huang & Yang is transferred.
本文描述四種植物──密花苣苔(Epithema brunonis var. fasciculata)、台灣纖花草(Theligonum formosanum)、瓦氏水豬母乳(Rotala wallichii)及多枝草合歡(Edsmanthus virgatus);並更改短瓣球藥隔七葉一枝花(Paris fargesii var. brevipetalata)之學名。其中多枝草合歡是台灣新紀錄種也是新紀錄屬。密花苣台及台灣纖花草首次由中國人採到。瓦氏水豬母乳從無在台灣文獻上描述其特徵,本文特加追述。