Research Paper

Notes on the flora of Taiwan (13) —A new indigo from Taiwan

Tseng-Chieng Huang, Ming-Jou Wu

Published on: June 1992

Page: 79 - 84

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1992.37.79


Based on a close examination of morphological features of plant body, seed coat and pollen grains, we hereby, propose, Indigofera taiwaniana T.C. Huang & M.J. Wu, a new indigo to the flora of Taiwan.


台灣木藍屬植物中僅穗花木藍為互生小葉,其餘12種皆為對生小葉。觀光勝地貓鼻頭珊瑚礁草坪上,採到矮小之互生小葉木藍,經核對比較穗花木藍之莖、葉、花、果、種子及花粉型態後,確認為差異極大之不同新種,而提出台灣木藍之新名(Indigofera taiwaniana T.C. Huang & M.J. Wu)。

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