Research Paper

New Record of the Rare Shark Parmaturus melanobranchius (Scyliorhinidae) from Taiwan

Po-Feng Lee and Kwang-Tsao Shao

Published on: 30 November 2010

Page: 386 - 390

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2010.55(4).386


The specimen of Parmaturus melanobranchius (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhiniformes) was collected in the waters off south-western Taiwan. After the description in 1966, only three specimens of P. melanobranchius were collected, one from South China Sea, one from Philippines and the other from Aragusuku Island of Japan. In this study, the fourth specimen was reported and its diagnostic characters, color photos and distribution map are given.


黑鰓盾尾鯊自從1966 年發表後,只有模式標本以及一尾來自日本琉球群島的新城島 海域,共兩尾標本,極為罕見。本研究發表第三尾標本,同時也是臺灣海域首次紀錄,除 詳細描述,記錄標本之形態特徵,並附上分佈地圖、標本照片。

Keyword: New record, Catshark, Taiwan, Scyliorhinid, rare species.

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