Research Paper

Phenological, morphological, and pomological characterizations of three promising plum and apricot natural hybrids

Yasamin Shamsolshoara, Seied Mehdi Miri, Rahim Gharesheikhbayat, Mohiedin Pirkhezri, Daryoush Davoodi

Published on: 31 October 2021

Page: 466 - 477

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2021.66.466


Iran has a rich genetic diversity of Prunus spp. This study was conducted to evaluate the phenological, morphological, pomological and sensorial traits on three natural plum and apricot hybrids including P. armeniaca × P. salicina (Bavanat) and P. cerasifera × P. armeniaca (Shiraz and Shahriar) during 2018‒2020. According to UPOV (International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants) descriptor, all hybrids were characterized by medium growth vigor and a bearing type of spurs and long shoots. Fruit skin color ranged from purple to dark red with the predominant skin color being red. The beginning of the flowering period was affected by year and temperature, however they were classified as very early-flowering genotypes. The highest fruit weight, fruit dimensions and total soluble solids/titratable acidity ratio (TSS/TA) were found in Bavanat. The principal component analysis revealed that the most important fruit characters, including yield, fruit dimensions, fruit flesh fresh weight, fruit weight/stone weight, TSS, TA, TSS/TA and pH were the most effective traits for differentiating the studied genotypes. Shahriar had the highest panel test scores and was more attractive for consumers. Its fruits were sourer and smaller than the two other genotypes while it had the highest yield, fruit number and antioxidant activity. According to genotype-by-trait (GT) biplot analysis, Shiraz was closer to the ideal genotype. However, each of these three genotypes, due to their fruit-bearing capacity and specific traits, are interesting as valuable genetic resources for breeding programs to improve plum or apricot pomological traits coordinated to yield performance.

Keyword: Fruit quality, GT-biplot, panel test, phenology, pomology, Prunus, P. armeniaca, P. cerasifera, P. salicina

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