Research Paper

Notes on the Flora of Taiwan (10)—Acalypha brachystachya Hornem. and its related species (Euphorbiaceae)

Shing-Fan Huang, Tseng-Chieng Huang

Published on: March 1991

Page: 80 - 84

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1991.36.80


Acalypha brachystachya Hornem. is reported in Taiwan for the first time. This species characterized by the very short axillary spike enclosed the male flowers at thye upper portion and the female flowers at the lower portion with the deeply 3-fided bracts. A comparison of the newly recorded species with A. australis, A. indica, A. minima and A. matudai is given. A. indica is reconfirmed in Taiwan and A. minima is treated as its variety.


短序鐵莧菜(Acalypha brachystachya Hornem.) 首次採自台灣之高雄縣藤枝。本種主要特徵為花序腋生而且非常短,雄花與雌花漲再同一花序、雄花位於花序上端,雌花之苞片為三深裂片構成。分布於非洲、印度、中國大陸、台灣及爪哇。本文同時比較鐵莧菜(A. australis L.)、印度鐵莧(A. indica L.)、小葉鐵莧(A. minima Keng)及恆春鐵莧(A. matudai Hay.)之外部形態特徵,再次確認印度鐵莧存在於台灣,並將小葉鐵莧處理為印度鐵莧之變種。

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