
Cynanchum mooreanum Hemsl. (Asclepiadaceae), a New Recorded Species in Taiwan

Chien-Ti Chao, Yu-Jung Hung and Yen-Hsueh Tseng

Published on: 15 September 2010

Page: 324 - 327

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2010.55(3).324


Cynanchum mooreanum Hemsl. is a perennial liana of Asclepiadaceae. Based on literature study this species is endemic to Mainland China. Recently, we found a new distribution record of this species in central Taiwan. It grows in open and dry grasslands. In this article we provide description, photos, distribution map, key and line drawing. This is a new recorded species to the flora of Taiwan.


毛白前為蘿藦科牛皮消屬多年生藤本植物,文獻記載本種為中國大陸之特有種,最 近在臺灣中部低海拔地區發現新分布地,常生長於開闊之草生地。本文提供植物描述、植 株照片、分布圖及手繪圖。

Keyword: Cynanchum, Asclepiadaceae, Cynanchum mooreanum, Taxonomy, Taiwan.

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