
Asarum satsumense F. Maekawa (Aristolochiaceae), a Newly Recorded Species in Taiwan

Chang-Tse Lu, Wen-Liang Chiou, Shu-Chuan Liu and Jenn-Che Wang

Published on: 30 November 2010

Page: 396 - 401

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2010.55(4).396


The present paper reports a newly recorded Asarum, A. satsumense F. Maekawa, collected from Taiwan. This species was for merely recorded as an endemic species in Kagoshima, southern Kyushu, Japan. However, recently it was found in northwestern Taiwan, Miaoli and Taichung Counties. Asarum satsumense resembles A. macranthum Hook. f. of Taiwan, but can be distinguished by having a more depressed pyriform perianth tube, larger perianth tube entrance, tessellate-reticulate apically but longitudinally thick-ridged basally inner surface of perianth tube (vs. tessellate throughout the inner wall), and denser supratectate warts on pollen grains. Taxonomic description, line drawing, pollen SEM plates, chromosome number, distribution information, and color photographs of floral characters of this newly recorded species are provided to aid its identification.


本文報導臺灣產馬兜鈴科細辛屬新紀錄植物-薩摩細辛。本種原本僅知分布於日本九 州鹿兒島地區,為當地特有種;最近我們發現其亦分布於臺灣苗栗與台中一帶。本種與臺 灣特有之大花細辛頗為相似,但可由壓扁之西洋梨形的花被筒、較大之花被筒開口,花被 筒內特殊之網紋形式 (花被筒上半部具棋盤格狀脊形隆起,下半部僅具縱向脊形隆起) 以及 花粉具較多的上頂蓋瘤突與大花細辛區別。本文提供該種之形態描述、手繪圖、體染色體 數目、花粉SEM 圖片、地理分布、花部特徵照片以及與大花細辛之詳細比較以供鑑定參考。

Keyword: Aristolochiaceae, Asarum, Asarum satsumense, chromosome number, new recorded species, pollen.

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