Research Paper

The Effects of Octopamine on the Cardiac Output of Cockroach by Using Computer-based Video Analysis on Measuring Stroke Volume

Jen-Pu Tsai, Li-Chu Tung , Ming-Chung Lee and Jin-Tun Lin

Published on: March 2004

Page: 7 - 15

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2004.49(1).7


A computer-based video analysis system has been developed for measuring the stroke volume and the heart rate of the insect. A quantitative evaluation of the effects of octopamine (OA) on the heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output of Periplaneta americana, the American cockroach, was also studied. The heart rate of OA-treated cockroach significantly increased within 2 minutes, compared to that of the control groups. On the other hand, the stroke volumes of OA-treated cockroaches decreased within 2 minutes (p < 0.05). Furthermore, OA elicited the heart rate and the stroke volume with a dose- dependent response. Although OA increased heart rate and decreased stroke volume in the cockroach, it decreased cardiac output (mL/min) calculated based on heart rate (beats/min) and stroke volume (mL/beat).


本研究設計一套結合電腦錄影分析的新方法,用於測定昆蟲的心搏量(stroke volume) 和心跳率(heart rate),並定量探討章涎胺(octopamine)對美洲蟑螂(Periplaneta americana)心搏量、心跳率和心輸出量(cardiac output)的效應。章涎胺處理兩分鐘內,實驗組昆蟲會增加心跳率,但降低心搏量,二者均具顯著性差異(p < 0.05),而且對不同劑量的處理結果,都具有劑量效應。利用計算(心搏量x 心跳率= 心輸出量)方法,得知章涎胺增加心跳率和降低心搏量的結果,會降低心輸出量。

Keyword: Computer-based video analysis, Periplaneta americana, Stroke volume, Heart rate, Cardiac output, Octopamine