Research Paper

Spore Germination and Leafy Gametophyte of Haplomitrium rotundifolium Developed in Culture

Bao-Yu Yang

Published on: March 1967

Page: 153 - 167

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1967.13.153


In a previous report on the spore germination of Haplomitrium rotundifolium (Yang 1966), it was shown that a triangular, thalloid sporeling developed in Hoag- land's solution under controlled condition, in about 87 days. Further development was not observed because of microbial contamination. Spore germination of H. rotundifolium and also H. blumii was attempted again in March, 1967. Spores were gathered from respective fresh specimens. Having been treated antiseptically, they were then planted in the nutrient solution in petri dishes. Except for a few changes which will be described later, the same technique was used previously. The present experiment has shown that the germination of spores of H. blumii commenced readily, but that the later development advanced rather slowly. How-ever, the spores of H. rotundifolium, harvested from Chi-tou specimens, passed through the 2-celled stage and the globose protonema to reach the triangular thalloid stage in 67 days. Further advance was a thizomatous stage and ultimately to a leafy gametophyte. This full development of H. rotzLn:iifoliztm, from a spore to a mature plant, took place in the course of about six months.