Research Paper

Nervilia gracilis – A New Orchid Species from Northern Vietnam

Leonid V. Averyanov

Published on: 23 March 2011

Page: 50 - 53

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2011.56(1).50


Nervilia gracilis – a new species for science discovered in northern Vietnam was described and illustrated. This species belongs to complex of miniature 1-flowered species and has the closest relation to Laotian N. calcicola, from which it differs in keeled disk of the lip and very small membranaceous leaves.


本文敘述並描繪越南北部發現的新物種Nervilia gracilis。該種屬於小型單花的種群,且與寮國的N. calcicola相近;但由唇盤具龍骨狀突起,以及很小的膜質葉片可與之區辨。

Keyword: Flora of Vietnam, Nervilia gracilis, new orchid species, taxonomy, plant diversity, 越南植物誌,Nervilia gracilis,新種蘭科植物,分類學,植物多樣性

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