Research Paper
A new species Cotoneaster chingshuiensis (Rosaceae) from Taiwan
Kun-Cheng Chang, Chiu-Mei Wang, Shu-Lin Deng and Chih-Chiang Wang
Published on: 15 June 2011
Page: 125 - 131
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2011.56(2).125
Cotoneaster chingshuiensis Kun C. Chang & Chih C. Wang, a new species from Taiwan is described. A taxonomic treatment, line drawings, color photos, and SEM micrographs of pollen are also provided in the paper. Cotoneaster chingshuiensis is found at Mt. Chingshui of Taroko National Park, at 2,100 m altitude in Northern Taiwan. It is similar to C. konishii Hayata, but can be distinguished by the 1-3-flowered inflorescence, shorter pedicel (0.5-1.5 mm), smaller leaves (6-28 × 4-15 mm) and the lower surface of leaf with densely yellowish villus.
本文報導臺灣產栒子屬(Cotoneaster)一新種:清水山栒子(C. chingshuiensis Kun C. Chang & Chih C. Wang),並提供形態描述、手繪圖、花果照片及花粉的掃瞄式電子顯微鏡照片以供辨識。本種主要分布於臺灣北部太魯閣國家公園清水山海拔2,100公尺之山區。本種形態近似小西氏栒子(C. konishii Hayata),但本種的花序10-3朵花,花梗較短(0.5-1.5 mm)、葉較小(6-28 × 4-15 mm)及葉背密被淡黃色長柔毛可與之區分。
Keyword: Cotoneaster chingshuiensis, Cotoneaster konishii, Maloideae, Rosaceae, Spiraeoideae, Taiwan. 清水山栒子、小西氏栒子、蘋果亞科、薔薇科、繡線菊亞科、臺灣。