Research Paper

Peliosanthes yunnanensis and Trichosma yanshanensis - New Additions to the Flora of Vietnam

Leonid V. Averyanov

Published on: 15 June 2011

Page: 143 - 148

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2011.56(2).143


Two rare, poorly known species – Peliosanyjes yunnanensis (Convallariaceae) and Trichosma yanshanensis (Orchidaceae) recently discovered in Vietnam represent new additions to the flora of the country. Short data on taxonomy, types, morphology, ecology, distribution and studied voucher specimens, as well as illustrations are provided for both species. Two necessary nomenclature combinations are also proposed, namely - Trichosma chlorantha (Aver. & Averyanova) Aver. and T. yanshanensis (S.-C. Chen) Aver.


兩種少有報導的稀有植物 – 雲南球子草(Peliosanthes yunnanensis)和硯山毛蘭(Trichosma yanshanensis)最近在越南被發現。本文除了報導此二種植物之分類、形態特徵、模式標本、生境、分布及繪圖外,亦特別說明此二物種:Trichosma chlorantha (Aver. & Averyanova) Aver. 及硯山毛蘭(T. yanshanensis (S.-C. Chen) Aver.)之新組合的命名。

Keyword: Convallariacae, Flora of Vietnam, Orchidaceae, Peliosanthes, plant geography, taxonomy, Trichosma. 鈴蘭科(Convallariacae;百合科)、越南植物誌、蘭科、球子草屬、植物地理學、分類學、Trichosma。

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