Pycnolejeunea grandiocellata Steph. (Family Lejeuneaceae), a Generic and Species Record New to Liverwort Flora of Taiwan
Jia-Dong Yang and Shan-Hsiung Lin
Published on: 15 June 2011
Page: 165 - 168
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2011.56(2).165
Pycnolejeunea grandiocellata Steph. is reported as a generic and species record new to liverwort flora of Taiwan. Pycnolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. is a tropical genus, comprised of nine species. The previously known northernmost locality for the genus Pycnolejeunea and for P. grandiocellata were Cuba and Hainan Island (China) respectively. The locality recorded here for Taiwan, Jingualiao Stream (ca. 24°54' N, 121°40' E), is the northernmost station for this genus and species. A morphological description, illustration, habitat and specimens examined of P. grandiocellata are provided, along with a distribution map of Pycnolejeunea and P. grandiocellata.
巨胞密鱗蘚(Pycnolejeunea grandiocellata)為臺灣蘚類植物誌新紀錄屬、種。密鱗蘚屬為一熱帶屬,共計有9種。過去已知密鱗蘚屬及巨胞密鱗蘚最北的分布地點分別為古巴及中國的海南島。巨胞密鱗蘚在臺灣的分布地點金瓜寮溪(約北緯24°55', 東經121°40')為本屬之最北分布地點。文中提供形態描述、圖版、棲地、及引證標本,以及密鱗蘚屬及巨胞密鱗蘚之分布地圖等。
Keyword: Lejeuneaceae, liverwort, Pycnolejeunea, Taiwan. 細鱗蘚科、蘚類、密鱗蘚屬、臺灣。