Pectis L. (Asteraceae), a Newly Recorded Genus to the Flora of Taiwan
Ming-Jer Jung, Chun-Wan Hsien, Yui-Ching Kao and Ching-Long Yeh
Published on: 15 June 2011
Page: 173 - 176
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2011.56(2).173
We document a new-record genus to the flora of Taiwan: Pectis L. (Asteraceae) and its member, P. prostrata Cav. This alien plant, which is native to Tropical America, has been naturalized at riverbank and grasslands in southern Taiwan locally. A taxonomic treatment, an illustration and color photo from the wild were provided to aid in identification of this alien Asteraceae plant.
本文描述一臺灣菊科新紀錄屬:香檬菊屬(Pectis L.)及其成員:伏生香檬菊(Pectis prostrata Cav.);伏生香檬菊為原產中南美洲的外來雜草,在臺灣南部河岸與草地局部歸化,在此提供分類處理、手繪圖與彩色照片以利鑑定此一外來菊科雜草。
Keyword: Asteraceae, new record, Pecits, Taiwan, taxonomy. 菊科、新紀錄、香檬菊屬、臺灣、分類學。