
Frullania evelynae (Frullaniacae, Marchantiophyta) – a Very Rare Species from Mizoram, India

S. K. Singh and H. A. Barbhuiya

Published on: 15 September 2011

Page: 247 - 253

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2011.56(3).247


Frullania evelynae S. Hatt. & Thaith.- a very rare species of family Frullaniaceae of Hepaticae is recorded from Mizoram, India for the first time. A detailed taxonomic description along with line drawing plate is provided for its easy identification. A note on diversity and distribution of Indian Frullania’s which is in chaos in recent past is also provided.


在印度米佐蘭姆(Mizoram)首次記錄到伊氏耳葉蘚(Frullania evelynae)這個非常罕見的耳葉蘚科(Frullaniacae)物種。本文提供了詳細分類說明及手繪圖以利辨識;並提供印度地區耳葉蘚屬(Frullania)物種的清單及分佈。

Keyword: Frullania evelynae, Hepaticopsida, Mizoram, India.伊氏耳葉蘚、苔綱、印度、米佐蘭姆。

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