
Liparis atrosanguinea Ridl. (Orchidaceae), a New Orchid Addition to India from Andaman & Nicobar Islands

R. Sumathi, J. Jayanthi and K. Karthigeyan

Published on: 15 September 2011

Page: 257 - 260

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2011.56(3).257


Liparis atrosanguinea is reported here as a new record for the orchid flora of India. This rare terrestrial orchid is collected from the inland evergreen forests of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. A detailed description along with identification key and photographs are provided.


本文報導印度一個蘭科植物的新紀錄Liparis atrosanguinea。這種罕見的地生蘭花是安達曼 - 尼科巴群島內陸的常綠森林中所收集到的。文中提供該物種詳細說明、辦識檢索表以及照片。

Keyword: Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Liparis, Orchidaceae, new addition.安達曼-尼古巴群島、羊耳蒜屬、蘭科、新見聞。

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