Research Paper

A New Species of Corydalis DC. (Fumariaceae) from Kashmir, North-west Himalaya, India.

Gh Hassan Dar, S. T. Koul, A. R. Naqshi, Anzar A Khuroo and Akhtar H Malik

Published on: 30 November 2011

Page: 305 - 308

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2011.56(4).305


While revising the genus Corydalis (Fumariaceae) occurring in the Kashmir Himalaya, Corydalis amarnathiana Dar, Semi & Naqshi is described and illustrated as a new species. This new species is allied to C. thyrsiflora Prain and C. pakistanica Jafri, but can be easily differentiated from them in having only one (shorter and less robust) stem; lower cauline leaves with petioles basally sheathing to half their length, upper cauline leaves forming a whorl; and racemes short and only 5-15(-18)-flowered. It also resembles C. shakyae Lidén in stem characters, but can be easily distinguished from it by the presence of 2-3-pinnatisect leaves, smaller and broader ultimate leaf-segments, and 12-14 mm long flowers.


本文更新印度喀什米爾喜馬拉雅的紫蓳科紫蓳屬植物,提出一個新種Corydalis amarnathiana Dar, Semi & Naqshi;並對該種進行描述和繪圖說明。這一新種與C. thyrsiflora Prain和C. pakistanica Jafri有差異,其僅具有一個短而不堅硬的莖、下部莖生葉片的葉柄基部具有達半長的鞘、上部莖生葉片成輪生、以及總狀花序僅5-15(-18)朵花。該種也與C. shakyae Lidén相似,但可以從該種的葉片僅具有2-3個小羽片、尾羽片小且寬,以及花朵長12-14 mm來做區別。

Keyword: Corydalis, Corydalis amarnathiana, Fumariaceae, India, Kashmir, North-west Himalaya. 紫蓳屬、Corydalis amarnathiana、紫蓳科、印度、喀什米爾、西北喜馬拉雅。

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