Research Paper
Methods for the Determination of the Chlorophylls and their Derivatives
Chi-Ming Yang, Kuo-Wei Chang, Ming-Horng Yin and Hsu-Men Huang
Published on: June 1998
Page: 116 - 122
DOI: 10.6165/tai.1998.43(2).116
We present a flow chart for the determination of eleven intermediates of chlorophyll biosynthesis and degradation pathways. This flow chart is organized from six literatures. We just add a step to link two unrelated procedures to determine the content of pheophytin a and b. It is convenient for the people who want to determine the content of chlorophylls and their derivatives. This flow chart makes it possible to determine the content of eleven pigments of more than 100 samples in one work day.
我們提出一個測定葉綠素生合成及崩解途徑的十一種中間代謝物之實驗流程。此實驗流程是根據六篇測定不同色素的文獻而聯繫起來﹐之所以可以聯繫的原因是它們都以丙酮或正己烷為溶劑萃取不同的色素。我們唯一改進之處是測A661後以氮氣吹乾﹐並以丙酮溶解pheophytin a和 b。此流程非常方便﹐經驗顯示﹐在一個工作天內可以完成至少一百個樣品。 關鍵詞: 葉綠素﹑類胡蘿蔔素﹑生合成﹑崩解﹑中間代謝物。
Keyword: chlorophyll, carotenoid, biosynthesis, degradation, intermediates.