
Galium paradoxum Maxim. (Rubiaceae), a Newly Recorded Plant in Taiwan

Tsung-Hsin Hsieh and Po-Yi Chiang

Published on: 15 June 2010

Page: 192 - 194

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2010.55(2).192


Galium, comprising about 300 or 400 species in the world, is a large genus of the family Rubiaceae. Ten taxa were recorded in the 2nd edition of Flora of Taiwan. In the course of our botanical inventory, Galium paradoxum Maxim., heretofore unknown in Taiwan, was collected from southern part of the island. This species can be characterized by its opposite leaves on lower parts and 4- (or 5)-verticillate leaves (2 larger, others often reduced into stipule-like) on upper parts of stem, distinct 3-10 mm long petiole and ovate to widely ovate leaves. In this report we provide a description, line drawings, and colored photographs taken from the wild to aid in identification.


林猪殃殃屬為茜草科植物,臺灣植物誌第二版紀錄有10 種,最近我們在南部關山嶺 山植物調查時發現另一新紀錄植物-林猪殃殃,該植物的莖下部具對生葉,上部具2 片較 大2 片較小的4 枚輪生葉、葉柄明顯和葉身較寬等特徵而明顯不同於臺灣所產的該屬植 物,本種廣泛分佈於亞洲,但在臺灣僅發現於關山嶺山鐵杉林海拔2,800 公尺林緣處,數 量十分稀少。本文章提供該種的形態描述、手繪圖與彩色圖片,並報告其分布及生態。

Keyword: New record, Galium paradoxum, Rubiaceae, Taiwan, Taxonomy.

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