Research Paper

Myxomycetes of Taiwan XI: Two New Species of Physarum

Chin-Hui Liu and Ya-Fen Chen

Published on: September 1998

Page: 185 - 192

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1998.43(3).185


Two new species of Physarm are reported and illustrated by colored photos and scanning electron micrography. Physarum obpyriforme Liu & Chen sp. Nov. was found in Nanjenshan forest, Kenting National Park, sourthern part of Taiwan. This species is characterized by the pear-shaped or ovoid, more or less laterally compressed, yellow fructification which is sessile with a constricted base. P. cremiluteum Chen & Liu sp. Nov. was collected in the forest of Mt. Shamoa in the vicinity of Taipei. This speceis is diagnosed by the creamy yellow sporangia and lime nodes, the whitish and calcareous stalk, the presence of limeless disc at the base of sporangia, and lacking of columella. Type specimens of these two species are deposited in the Mycological Herbarium of the Botany Department, National Taiwan University, Taipei.


本文發表兩種絨泡黏菌屬新種﹐並以彩色和掃描式電子顯微鏡圖示。倒梨形絨泡黏菌於墾丁國家公園南仁山森林中採獲,主要診斷特徵為孢子囊無柄﹑倒梨形或卵形﹑兩側略扁平﹑表面覆蓋黃色鈣質顆粒。乳黃絨泡黏菌採獲於臺北近郊的紗帽山,主要特徵為孢子囊及鈣質石灰結皆為乳黃色,柄白色調,鈣質,不具中柱,孢子囊基部無鈣質。此兩種模式標本置放於台大植物系菌類標本室。 關鍵詞:真黏菌,黏菌,絨泡黏菌目,絨泡黏菌屬,倒梨形絨泡黏菌,乳黃絨泡黏菌, 臺灣。

Keyword: Myxomycetes, Slime molds, Pysarales, Physarum, Physarum obpyriforme, Physarum cremiluteum, Taiwan.

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