
A Newly Naturalized Species in Taiwan: Phytolacca icosandra L. (Phytolaccaceae)

Szu-I Hsieh, Chi-Te Lee, Jin-Hua Wu, Huan-Yu Lin and Ching-Long Yeh

Published on: 12 December 2012

Page: 396 - 398

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2012.57.396


Phytolacca icosandra L. (Phytolaccaceae), native to the South America has been found recently in central Taiwan. This newly naturalized species is distinguished by its erect spike-like racemes and 12–20 stamens. This paper describes the morphology of the species and provides line drawing and photographs for identification.


二十蕊商陸(Phytolacca icosandra L., 新擬中名)(商陸科)原產於南美洲,近期在 臺灣中部被發現,為臺灣新歸化植物。具直立的總狀花序及12–20枚雄蕊等為本種辨識特 徵。本文提供該種植物的形態描述及手繪圖、彩色照片供鑑定之用。

Keyword: Phytolaccaceae, Phytolacca icosandra, naturalized, Taiwan.

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