
Sonneratia ovata (Sonneratiaceae) -A New Distributional Record for India from Andaman and Nicobar Islands

M. P. Goutham-Bharathi, M. Kaliyamoorthy, S. Dam Roy, P. Krishnan, Grinson George and C. Murugan

Published on: 12 December 2012

Page: 406 - 409

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2012.57.406


Sonneratia ovata Backer was found from Havelock, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, representing a new addition to the mangrove flora of India. This species lacks petals and is characterized by the finely warty calyx, the lobes of which are red on the inner side and by the adpressed calyx lobes in fruit. Since S. ovata is considered rare as a whole, conservation measures are imperative for managing the mangrove diversity of the Islands with special reference to this species.


本文報導在印度安達曼-尼科巴群島發現的大葉海桑新紀錄分佈,此種缺少花瓣, 且花萼表面長有細瘤,萼片內面為紅色並緊貼果實。由於此種族群稀少,因此迫切需要對 群島上的紅樹林進行保育評估。

Keyword: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, floristic affinities, India, mangrove, new record, Sonneratia.

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