
Four Newly Naturalized Grasses and Rushes in Taiwan

Ming-Jer Jung, Min-Kuan Chu, Tian-Chuan Hsu, Rui-Chin Kao and Sheng-Sian Dai

Published on: 12 December 2012

Page: 426 - 433

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2012.57.426


Four Monocots newly naturalized in Taiwan: Juncus imbricatus (Juncaceae), J. marginatus (Juncaceae), Setaria barbata (Poaceae) and Sorghum bicolor subsp. arundinaceum (Poaceae) were represented in this article. We described and illustrated by line-drawings of these four alien rushes and grasses, and offered relative information of them.


本文報導四種臺灣新歸化單子葉植物:絲葉燈心草(燈心草科)、禾葉燈心草(燈 心草科)、柔毛狗尾草(禾本科)與葦狀高粱(禾本科),並提供特徵描述、手繪圖與相 關資訊。

Keyword: Alien plant, Juncus, Setaria, Sorghum.

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