Research Paper

Two New Species of Liparis (Orchidaceae) from Taiwan

Tian-Chuan Hsu

Published on: 13 March 2013

Page: 1 - 6

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2013.58.1


Two new species of the genus Liparis (Orchidaceae), L. reckoniana and L. rubrotincta, are described and illustrated from Taiwan. L. reckoniana, found in a cloud forest in southern Taiwan, resembles L. truncata but distinctive in having shorter, quadrate-ovate, 5-veined lip and slightly longer column. L. rubrotincta, found in northern mid-altitudinal mountains of Taiwan, is closely related to L. elongata but distinguishable by having shorter sepals, a strongly deflexed lip, and a shorter column with a very short contracted part.


本文記述臺灣羊耳蒜屬(蘭科)的兩個新種,雲頂羊耳蒜(Liparis reckoniana)及絳 唇羊耳蒜(L. rubrotincta)。雲頂羊耳蒜發現於台灣南部之霧林帶,形態接近L. truncata, 但唇瓣較短,卵狀方形,具5脈,且蕊柱稍長。絳唇羊耳蒜發現於北部山區,與長穗羊耳蒜 (L. elongate)十分接近,區別特徵為萼片較短,唇瓣強烈反摺,蕊柱較短,且蕊柱中段之 頸部極短。

Keyword: Liparis reckoniana, Liparis rubrotincta, new species, Orchidaceae, Taiwan, taxonomy.

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