Botanical Names Associated with Dr. Shiu Ying Hu
Anthony R. Brach
Published on: 13 March 2013
Page: 67 - 75
DOI: 10.6165/tai.2013.58.67
A search of the International Plant Names Index for records associated with Dr. Hu Shiu Ying (1910-2012), revealed that 250 plants within 35 families were named by her, and one genus and seven species were named in her honor. Her own collections served as type specimens for 22 plant names. In the 1950s, Shiu Ying Hu produced a card file of Chinese plant names, later digitized in the 1990s as “The Hu Card Index,” which provided data for previously non-indexed infraspecific names. Dr. Hu is recognized for her contributions to China’s flora.
國際植物名稱索引(International Plant Names Index)收載了由胡秀英博士(1910-2012) 在35個科中命名的植物名稱共計250個,另有一個屬名和七個種名以她的名字命名。她自己 採集的植物標本包含了22種的模式標本。在20世紀50年代,胡秀英製作了中國植物名稱檢 索卡。後來在90年代她的檢索卡數位化後成為“胡氏植物名稱索引”。與以前的植物名稱索 引不同,她的植物名稱索引還包括了種下分類群。胡秀英博士為《中國植物誌》做出了重 要貢獻。
Keyword: Dr. Shiu Ying Hu, S. Y. Hu, Flora of China, International Plant Names Index (IPNI), Tropicos.