Research Paper

Comparison of Upper Floret Development in Bisexual and Male Spikelets of Thuarea involuta (Gramineae) with Scanning Electron Microscopy

Chang-Sheng Kuoh, Li-Chin Hsiao and Gwo-Ing Liao

Published on: September 1998

Page: 235 - 245

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1998.43(3).235


The inflorescences of Thuarea involuta (Forst.) R. Br. Ex R. & S. are composed of 3-7 spikelets in a spatheate spike. The spikelets have two florets. All of them are male, except that the basal spikelet has a bisexual upper floret and a male lower floret. A comparative study on the upper florets of the bisexual and male spikelet by SEM showed that the arrest of the development of gynoecium causes the maleness of the upper florets.


芻蕾草花序由3-7個小穗組成,於一佛焰苞內排成穗狀。除了基部之一小穗為兩性的上位小花和雄性的下位小花組成之外,所有小穗之兩小花均為雄性。經由掃描式電子顯微鏡技術比較各小穗之上位小花,結果顯示雌蕊發育受阻是造成上位小花雄性之主因。 關鍵詞:掃描式電子顯微鏡,小穗,發育,芻蕾草,禾本科。

Keyword: Development, SEM, Spikelet, Thuarea involuta, Gramineae.