Research Paper

Revision of Mosla (Lamiaceae) in Taiwan

Tsung-Hsin Hsieh and Tseng-Chieng Huang

Published on: March 1999

Page: 72 - 81

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1999.44(1).72


The genus Mosla Buch.-Ham. Ex Maxim. Has long been a source of confusion in Taiwan. Three species, Mosla chinensis Maxim., M. dianthera (Buch.-Ham.) Maxim. And M. scabra (Thunb.) Wu & Li are recognized in Taiwan in this paper. Mosla formosana Maxim., which was previously treated as an insufficiently known species, is reduced to synonymy under M. dianthera (Buch.-Ham.) Maxim. SEM micrographs of pollen grains and nutlets, chromosome numbers, distribution maps, a key to species and species descriptions are provided. The ornamentation of the nutlet is a good diagnostic character for recognizing plants at specific rank in this genus.


台灣產石薺寧屬 (Mosla Buch.-Ham. Ex Maxim. )(唇形科)之分類地位長期以來十分混亂,在標本鑑定上常生混淆,實需進行分類訂正工作。根據外部形態、小堅果和花粉等特徵,可將臺灣產本屬植物分為3種,分別為乾汗草 (Mosla chinensis Maxim.)、粗鋸齒薺寧 (M. dianthera (Buch.-Ham.) Maxim.)、石齊寧(M. scabra (Thunb.) Wu & Li)。本文比較3種之上述特徵,可明顯予以區分,並提供檢索表便於鑑定之用。另查對 Mosla formosana Maxim. 原始發表和模式標本與粗鋸齒薺寧相符合,將前者處理為後者之異名。本文並認為小堅果的表面微細構造為區分種階級的良好特徵。 關鍵詞:石薺寧屬、唇形科、分類訂正、臺灣。

Keyword: Mosla, Lamiaceae, Revision, Taiwan.

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