Research Paper

Phenological Observation and Conservation of Sophora mollis Royle (Papilionaceae) an Endangered Multi-purpose Legume of North West Himalaya

S. K. Mamgain

Published on: March 1999

Page: 137 - 144

DOI: 10.6165/tai.1999.44(1).137


Phenological observation and Conservation of Sophora mollis Royle (Papilionaceae) is discussed. This species is a multipurpose legume distributed in the plains and foothills of N.W. Himalaya to Nepal Himalaya and is facing high risk of extinction due to habitat loss and indiscriminate exploitation by local people for its fuel and fodder values. Phenological observation on ex-situ plants has revealed poor and low percentage of fruit and seed sett. The influence of biotic factors coupled with poor seed setting has badly affected the regeneration and its population in the wild.


討論蝶形花科毛槐的物候現象觀察及保育。本種分佈於喜馬拉雅西北部到尼布魯喜馬拉雅山且具多用途目標之豆科植物,面臨當地居民做為糧食及燃料,致使過渡開發及損失生育地的瀕臨高度滅絕之危機。栽培植物觀察物候現象後發現結實的情況很差及低比率。生物現象影響低結實量致使野生族群更新不佳。 關鍵詞:毛槐、物候看察、保育。

Keyword: Sophora mollis, Phenological Observation, Conservation.

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