
Ziziphus jujuba Mill. subsp. spinosa (Bunge) Peng, Li & Li: a New Plant Record for the Indian Subcontinent

Chesfeeda Akhter, G. H. Dar and Anzar A Khuroo

Published on: 10 June 2013

Page: 132 - 135

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2013.58.132


Ziziphus jujuba Mill. subsp. spinosa (Bunge) Peng, Li & Li has been recorded for the first time from the Kashmir Himalaya in India. The taxonomy of this taxon has been much debated. Very recently, however, it has been treated as a subspecies of Ziziphus jujuba Mill., to which it is closely related but differs markedly in having shrubby habit, longer and sharper spines, and in smaller, globose to ellipsoid drupe and stone. A differentiating key, taxonomic description, places of collection, and illustrations of the subspecies are provided to validate this new record.


本文報導在印度喀什米爾喜馬拉雅地區發現的Ziziphus jujuba subsp. spinosa新紀錄分布。本分類群的分類地位過去常有爭辯,但最近此分類群以亞種的位階置於Ziziphus jujuba之下,這兩個分類群相當接近,但Ziziphus jujuba subsp. spinosa具有成灌叢狀的生長習性、更長更尖的棘刺及較小、圓形至橢圓形棗核。本文提供兩種亞種的檢索表、採集地點及圖片以利辨認。

Keyword: Indian subcontinent, Kashmir Himalaya, Rhamnaceae, Ziziphus, Ziziphus jujuba subsp. spinosa.

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