
Current Status of Genus Bryum Hedw. in Eastern Himalaya, India

Pooja Bansal and Virendra Nath

Published on: 10 September 2013

Page: 205 - 212

DOI: 10.6165/tai.2013.58.205


A critical study on the genus Bryum Hedw., an acrocarpous moss of family Bryaceae, revealed the occurrence of 21 species from seven state of eastern Himalaya: Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim and West Bengal. Among these twenty one species, B. argenteum var. griffithii (Muell. Hal.) Gangulee, B. billardieri Schwaegr., B. pallescens Schleich. ex Schwaegr., B. pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) P. Gaertn., B. Meyer & Scherb., B. pseudotriquetrum var. subrotundum (Brid.) Gangulee and B. reflexifolium (Ochi) Ochi are new additions to Meghalaya; B. billardieri Schwaegr. to Manipur while B. apiculatum Schwaegr., B. caespiticium Hedw. and B. pseudotriquetrum var. subrotundum (Brid.) Gangulee are new for West Bengal. Identification key to all the known species of the genus occurring in eastern Himalaya, alongwith the notes on their ecology and distribution have been provided.


真蘚屬是真蘚科下具頂生蒴的分類群,本研究針對東喜瑪拉雅山之真蘚屬作調查,共有二十一個物種分布在七個邦:a阿魯納恰爾邦、阿薩姆邦、曼尼普爾邦、梅加拉亞邦、那加蘭邦、錫金邦和西孟加拉邦。在這二十一個物種中,Bryum argenteum var. griffithii、大真蘚、黃色真蘚、B. pseudotriquetrum var. subrotundum、擬三列真蘚、B. reflexifolium在梅加拉亞邦為新分布;大真蘚的新分布則在曼尼普爾邦;叢生真蘚和B. pseudotriquetrum var. subrotundum在西孟加拉邦為新分布。本文除提供目前在東喜瑪拉雅分布的真蘚屬檢索表外,也提供各物種之分布範圍和生態資訊。

Keyword: Bryum, moss, eastern Himalaya, India.

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